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Polish Community Council of Victoria
Consulate General of the Republic of Poland
Polish Festival @ Federation Square
- History of immigration from Poland
National Archives of Australia
Kresy Siberia Group
Kresy-Siberia Virtual Museum
British National Archives

Digital Library of Wielkopolska
- The site contains massive amounts of on-line information. Over 69,000 volumes, including huge amounts of mainly inter-War Polish Army and Air Force material. New material is being added almost daily. You can choose to view web pages (not the documents) in English, Czech, French, German, and Polish.
Electronic Museum - Articles in English and Polish, among them: Soviet-Polish War, 1919-1920; Poland between the wars; Poland - World War II; Soviet Deportations of Polish Nationals.
German Military Archives
Hoover Institute
- has records of some government in exile documents, Anders and other Soviet oriented archives.
Poland - Central Military Archives in Warsaw
Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum
A 1923 commercial directory for Poland
Search family heritage in the records from hundreds of churches and synagogues in Poland.
Family Tree Software - free
- Brother's Keeper is a Windows genealogy shareware program that will help you input and organize your family history information and let you print a large variety of charts and reports. BK6 works with Windows. There is no charge to download BK to try it out.
- Enter the name in the box - be sure to use Polish characters - and press SZUKAJ
Galicia Business Directory 1901
Galicia Yahoo Group
- Information for finding your Galician ancestors and living relatives. [This is the former Austrian Empire province of Galicia, the real extent of which is now located in south-eastern Poland and south-western Ukraine.] You do not have to be a member to read the messages.
Genealogical Roots Searcher
- Discover the worldwide frequency and distribution of your Surname. After you have put in your Surname, click on the relevant Country Name and it brings up detailed area Maps. You can sometimes click on these maps for a finer breakdown.
Genealogy Indexer
- Adds full-text and soundex search capabilities to important genealogical resources available elsewhere online. Search 48,000 pages of historical directories (business, address, telephone, etc.), 28,000 pages of 64 yizkor books (memorials to Jewish communities destroyed during the Holocaust), and 6,000 pages of lists of Polish military officers. Most of the directories are from Poland, Galicia, or Romania. More genealogical resources are being added daily.
Genealogy of Halychyna / Eastern Galicia
 - General information on Halychyna/Eastern Galicia. This site should be the starting point for anyone researching their ancestral roots in Western Ukraine/Eastern Galicia. Many of the pages will be useful for Polish researchers of Western Galicia, as well.
Language Translation Too
l - Many languages - useful, but sometimes primitive results. You can enter a URL and it will translate the web page.
Lwow and Galicia: photos and genealogy
One-Step Portal for On-Line Genealogy
Hundreds of useful genealogy sites with simplified searches.
Polish Business Directory for 1929
- A fantastic resource.
Polish Genealogy Source
Much more than genealogy.
Polish Genealogy site - some English
- Fantastic service - through them Lucyna found the details of her maternal uncle's death in a concentration camp and also place of burial. Has two email addresses - one Polish, one English.
Polish Telephone Directory
Shtetl Seeker
an excellent tool for seeking out places in Eastern europe - even the most obscure - will provide maps.
Ship and Passenger Lists
- Site will help you find your ancestors on ships' passenger lists. It has immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck information, ship pictures, ship descriptions, shipping-line fleet lists and more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA, Australia and even some for South Africa.
Type Any Text with Foreign Characters Easily
If you have the need to type anything in a foreign language which has accents and other strange-looking characters, and you only have a US keyboard, your life used to be miserable. This site allows you to easily type Polish characters, for example, without a Polish keyboard. You can edit your text in the box and then copy it to your e-mail application, word processor, etc. Languages supported: Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
UK Outbound Passenger Lists for the period 1890 - 1960
- The lists cover every civilian (military vessels are not included) long-haul voyage made between 1890 and 1960 from all British (English, Welsh and Scottish) ports, and from all Irish ports before partition in 1921 and all Northern Irish ports after partition, to any destination outside Europe. (These voyages often called en route at additional ports, including those in Europe, and any passengers disembarking at these stops are also included.) While destinations such as Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, South Africa and the USA feature strongly, all continents are covered and you can find passengers on ships sailing to all parts of Asia, the Caribbean, South America and West Africa. In total the records comprise 24 million passengers, appearing on 164,000 separate lists and are fully searchable. The site is also an invaluable facility for tracing records in the UK of Births, Marriages and Deaths.
Warsaw 1938/39 telephone directory
- For those looking for relatives from Warsaw, the 1938/39 telephone directory is available on-line.
KARTA Centre
- An independent non-governmental organization documenting and popularizing the recent history of Poland and Eastern Europe. It continues the activities of the illegal "Karta" and the clandestine Eastern Archives of the 1980s. In English, Polish, Russian and German. Site has articles, photographs and databases – one of which is the Index of the Repressed. This data base covers people who were persecuted by the Soviets (includes those deported or arrested).
Photo Gallery - Poland - Thousands of photographs, many pre-1945, from the National Digital Archives. A fantastic resource but web pages only in Polish.
Pre-war photos of Poland
- More than 35,000 pictures of pre-WWII Poland, many of them Jewish scenes. The simplest way to access information about an ancestral town is to use the Search engine at the lower right of the home page.
Pre-war photos of Poland
- This is an excellent collection of photos of pre-war Poland - categorised according to places and themes.